
Edutainment Expertise + Educational Lesson Design

Animator / Screenwriter with broadcast entertainment experience
Creating lively characters and a vividly interesting narrative
Professional collaboration goes into video production, shooting, editing, effects creation, animation, and post-production
HTP(Human Performance Technology) APPROACH
Obtain diverse production know-how applicable to the next generation of new technology (AR, VR, Game Development).
Access to a large team of not only mobile experts but also experts in a variety of technological fields.

Broadcast/Promotion Videos

2017 BBPay Corporation BBPAY APP Promotion Video Production
Video content designed for PR purposes using various CGs and APEC for detailed introduction of the company's strengths and products Support global service through the production of three types of Korean, English and Chinese characters
2012 KERIS Edunet T-Clear Class Video Productions
A video content designed to enhance the awareness of information and communication ethics for students by developing the case of 'Information Communication Ethics Education' through video materials
40 to 50 minutes of classroom and training video production
2010 Samsung Human Resources Development Institute's 'Smart Learning Contents Communication' video production
Smart running content that trains the announcer through various contents such as drama and animation on one subject
Announcer and still cut+drama+animation (6 minutes)
2010 Seoul National University (SNUi) Online Knowledge Sharing SNUi Content Development
Two new courses: understanding Spanish culture and 30 lines of Korean modern literature for youths
Offers high-readable studio lectures videos